Scientific Name:
Galeopsis tetrahit L.
Vernacular Name(s):

Herb; stems to c. 75 cm tall, swollen at nodes, hispid on 2 opposite sides, otherwise with few or no hairs. Cauline lvs with petioles 1–2 cm long, with copious, patent, hispid hairs; lamina 2–10 × 1.5–5.5 cm, elliptic-lanceolate to ovate, with appressed hairs, sometimes almost glabrous below, with 8–14 crenate-serrate teeth on each side; base rounded to truncate, shortly decurrent; apex often short-acuminate. Bracteoles hairy, < calyx. Calyx 10–12 mm long, with hairs dense and hispid; teeth narrowly triangular and spine-tipped. Corolla c. 15 mm long, densely hairy outside, pink; tube exserted from calyx; middle lobe of lower lip broad, ± rounded. Nutlets 2.8–2.9 mm long, broad-obovoid.

[From: Webb et al. (1988) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4.]


Flowering: Jan.–Mar.