Scientific Name:
Narcissus pseudonarcissus L., Sp. Pl. 289 (1753) – as Pseudo Narcissus
Vernacular Name(s):

Scape 20–40 cm high, compressed, with 2 prominent edges. Leaves ± glaucous, flat. Flower solitary, fragrant, drooping to nearly horizontal; pedicel short, deflexed, tube broadly obconic; lobes > tube, light yellow, ascending; corona ± = lobes, deep yellow, margin scarcely expanding or spreading, irregularly cut into numerous short, dentate, subimbricate lobules.

[From: Healy and Edgar (1980) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 3.]


Flowering: Aug.–Oct.

Connor, H.E. 1977: The Poisonous Plants in New Zealand. Edition 2. Government Printer, Wellington.
Hobbs, J.; Hatch, T. 1994: Bulbs for New Zealand Gardens. Godwit Press, Auckland.
Linnaeus, C. 1753: Species Plantarum. Impensis Laurentii Salvii, Stockholm.