Scientific Name:
Phlomis russeliana (Sims) Lag. ex Benth. (1834)
  • Phlomis lunariifolia var. russeliana Sims (1825)

Herb with short rhizomes, forming large clumps. Basal lvs long-petiolate. Lamina to 25 × 15 cm, ovate or broad-ovate, with stellate tomentum and whitish below, densely stellate but green above, crenate; base deeply cordate. Upper lvs and bracts smaller, with short petioles; hairs of lamina simple or few-rayed above; base subcordate to truncate. Infl. stems becoming woody, to c. 60 × 1 cm, strongly quadrangular, with stellate tomentum when young. Verticels dense, 40–65-flowered. Bracteoles 12–15 mm long, linear-subulate, densely hairy. Calyx tube c. 12 mm long, densely hairy; teeth c. 4 mm long, spinosely subulate. Corolla c. 3 cm long, yellow, with stellate tomentum outside; upper lip strongly hooded and arched over emarginate lower lip. Anthers slightly exserted. Nutlets not seen.

[From: Webb et al. (1988) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4.]


Flowering: Dec.–Feb.