Scientific Name:
Raphanus raphanistrum L., Sp. Pl. 669 (1753) subsp. raphanistrum
Vernacular Name(s):
wild radish

Annual or biennial; taproot slender. Rosette lvs with terminal leaflet as wide as rest of lf, and 1–4–(5) pairs of distant lateral leaflets; all leaflets about equal in length. Petals yellow, lilac or white, 13–18 mm long. Silique (2)–5–8-seeded, breaking readily into segments, (20)–30–60–(80) × (2)–3–4–(5) mm; constrictions long, usually shallow; segments ovoid to oblong, usually strongly ribbed; final segment gradually narrowed to apex; apex tapering, (2)–3–4× length of final segment. Seed 1.5–3 mm long.

[From: Webb et al. (1988) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4.]


Flowering: (Jul.)–Oct.–Apr.–(Jun.); Fruiting: (Jul.)–Oct.–Apr.–(Jun.)

Connor, H.E. 1977: The Poisonous Plants in New Zealand. Edition 2. Government Printer, Wellington.
Iljinska, A.P. 2008: A taxonomic analysis of the genus Raphanus L. (sect. Raphanus; Brassicaceae). Ukrayins'kyi Botanichnyi Zhurnal 65: 811–822.
Linnaeus, C. 1753: Species Plantarum. Impensis Laurentii Salvii, Stockholm.
Swaamy, K.R.M 2023: Origin, distribution, genetic diversity and breeding of rasdish (Raphanus sativus L.). International Journal of Development Research 13(02): 61657–61673.