Habitat: bank, cliff, coast, dry, forest, forest edge, gully, margin, open, pasture, roadside, rock outcrop, sheltered, shrubland, slope, track

Dispersal: Seed

  • a small to medium-sized tree, up to 9 m high, deciduous, with erect or spreading branches.
  • its leaves are alternate, thin, green, 3-12 cm long, and have toothed margins.
  • its white flowers (about 3-4 cm across) are pendant or spreading and borne singly or in small clusters.
  • its fleshy green, yellow, red or black-purple fruit (up to 4.5 cm long) have a stony centre and resemble a cherry.
Howell, C. 2008: Consolidated list of environmental weeds in New Zealand. DOC Research & Development Series 292: 42.