 Subordinate Taxa
Scientific Name:
Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. (1760)
  • = Dodonaea spatulata Sm. (1809) – as spathulata
Vernacular Name(s):
ake; Ake rautangi; Akeake; Sticky hop-bush

Dioec. glab. shrub or tree up to 6 m. tall or occ. much more, but us. flowering when ± 2 m. tall; sts prostrate in coastal strongly insolated places. Bark reddish brown, falling in flakes; young branchlets compressed to triangular, viscid. Lvs alt. to subopp., occ. three close-set, on petioles up to 10 mm. long. Lamina thinly coriac., ± 4–10 × 1–3 cm., pale green, entire, narrow-obovate to narrow-elliptic, obtuse (rarely subacute, sts minutely retuse) gradually narrowed to base. Infl. a terminal rather densely fld panicle, ± 3–4 cm. long. Fls greenish to yellowish or reddish, on pubescent pedicels ± 4 mm. long. ♂ with 4 c. oblong sepals; 8–10 stamens, filaments very short. ♀ with 4 narrower sepals; style 2-fid, far exserted. Capsule ± 15 × 15 mm. including broad wings, compressed. Sts 3 wings are present.

[From: Allan (1961) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 1.]

Indigenous (Non-endemic)
Number of subspecific taxa in New Zealand within Dodonaea viscosa Jacq.
Indigenous (Non-endemic)1

Flowering: Sep.–Jan.; Fruiting: Nov.–Mar.

de Lange, P.J.; Rolfe, J.R.; Barkla J.W.; Courtney, S.P.; Champion, P.D.; Perrie, L.R.; Beadel, S.N.; Ford, K.A.; Breitwieser, I.; Schönberger, I.; Hindmarsh-Walls, R.; Heenan, P.B.; Ladley, K. 2018: Conservation status of New Zealand indigenous vascular plants, 2017. New Zealand Threat Classification Series. No. 22. [Not Threatened]
de Lange, P.J.; Rolfe, J.R.; Champion, P.D.; Courtney, S.P.; Heenan, P.B.; Barkla, J.W.; Cameron, E.K.; Norton, D.A.; Hitchmough, R.A. 2013: Conservation status of New Zealand indigenous vascular plants, 2012. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 3. Department of Conservation, Wellington. [Not Threatened]