Scientific Name:
Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers., Syn. Pl. [Persoon] 1, 446 (1805)
  • Cotyledon pinnata Lam. (1786)
  • Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken

Glabrous herb, often forming dense stands; stems simple, concolorous, to c. 70 cm high, prostrate and rooting towards base, otherwise erect. Lvs 1- or 3-foliolate, with petiole to c. 5 cm long, usually opposite. Lamina of simple lf and terminal leaflet usually 6–13 × 4–7.5 cm, 1–2 mm thick, elliptic or broad-elliptic, often folded upwards, otherwise with flat surfaces, green, sometimes reddish green where very exposed; margins purple, prominently crenate, lacking plantlets; base truncate or subcordate; apex rounded or obtuse. Infl. a loose, terminal panicle, to c. 20 cm diam.; main axis to c. 25 cm long. Fls pendulous. Calyx 3–4.2 cm long, broadly cylindric, inflated, green or often green beneath and red above; lobes 5–8 mm long, broadly triangular. Corolla deep red; tube c. 2.8–3.5 cm long, included in calyx; lobes 1–1.5 cm long, triangular, eventually well-exserted from calyx, sharply acute. Stamens c. 2.7 cm long, pale green. Styles 2–2.5 cm long, pale green. Follicles c. 1.5 cm long, beaked. Seeds < 1 mm long, narrow, doubtfully fertile.

[From: Webb et al. (1988) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4. as Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken]


Flowering: Nov.–May.

Descoings, B. Kalanchoe pinnata. In: Eggli, U. (ed.) Succulent lexicon. Crassulaceae (thick-leaved plants). Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart. 175.
Howell, C. 2008: Consolidated list of environmental weeds in New Zealand. DOC Research & Development Series 292: 42. [as Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken]
Mabberley, D.J. 2017: Mabberley's plant book, a portable dictionary of plants, their classification and uses. Edition 4. Cambridge University Press.
Persoon, C.H. 1805: Synopsis plantarum, seu enchiridium botanicum, complectens enumerationem systematicam specierum hucusque cognitarum. Vol. 1. Cramerum et Tubingæ, Paris.