 Subordinate Taxa
Scientific Name:
Townsonia Cheeseman, Man. New Zealand Fl. 692 (1906)
Indigenous (Non-endemic)
Number of species in New Zealand within Townsonia Cheeseman
Indigenous (Endemic)1
Cheeseman, T.F. 1906: Manual of the New Zealand Flora. Government Printer, Wellington.
Jones, D.L.; Clements, M. A. 1987: Reinstatement of the genus Cyrtostylis R. Br. and its relationship with Acianthus R. Br. (Orchidaceae). Lindleyana; Scientific Journal of the American Orchid Society 2(3): 156–160.
Kores, P.J. 1995: A systematic study of the genus Acianthus (Orchidaceae: Diurideae). Allertonia 7(3): 87–220.
Mabberley, D.J. 2008: Mabberley's plant book, a portable dictionary of plants, their classification and uses. Edition 3. Cambridge University Press.