Scientific Name:
Glebionis segetum (L.) Fourr.
  • Chrysanthemum segetum L.
  • = Chrysanthemum coronarium var. spatiosum L.H.Bailey (1920)

Glabrous herb. Stems erect, (10)–20–75 cm tall, striate, simple or branched. Basal and lower cauline lvs usually glaucous, very rarely green, obovate to oblong, simple, coarsely dentate to 2-pinnatisect, up to 6 cm long; base cuneate to the smooth or shortly toothed, winged petiole; ultimate segments ovate to subulate, entire or with a few teeth, all in one plane; cauline lvs similar to basal, but smaller near capitula, apetiolate, oblong to narrow-elliptic, often amplexicaul, usually toothed, sometimes entire. Involucral bracts 5–12 mm long; margins and apex membranous; inner bracts with broad apical flap. Capitula solitary or few in corymbs, 3–6–(7) cm diam.; ray florets (9)–12–21; ligules bright to golden yellow; disc florets numerous, yellow. Achenes 1.8–3 mm long, eglandular; achenes of ray florets with 2 lateral wings, 3–5 ribs on inner surface, and 2–3 ribs on outer surface; achenes of disc florets terete, with 10 equal ribs.

[From: Webb et al. (1988) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4. as Chrysanthemum segetum L.]


Flowering: Jan.–Dec.

Mabberley, D.J. 2008: Mabberley's plant book, a portable dictionary of plants, their classification and uses. Edition 3. Cambridge University Press.
Oberprieler, C.; Himmelreich, S.; Vogt, R. 2007: A new subtribal classification of the tribe Anthemideae (Compositae). Willdenowia 37: 89–114.
Wu, C.Y.; Raven, P.H.; Hong, D.Y. (ed.): Flora of China. Science Press, Beijing, and Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis.