Scientific Name:
Inula helenium L.
Vernacular Name(s):

Erect, rhizomatous, perennial, up to c. 2 m tall. Stems densely hairy, branched above to form infl. Lower cauline lvs sparsely to moderately hairy on upper surface, tomentose on lower, ovate-elliptic, petiolate and cuneate, acute, finely denticulate, up to c. 60 × 20 cm; upper lvs similar but smaller, apetiolate and usually amplexicaul. Capitula 6–9–(13) cm diam., few in corymbs. Outer involucral bracts tomentose, herbaceous, ovate, 10–15–(30) mm long; inner bracts glabrous or tomentose only on lamina, membranous, 15–25 mm long. Ray florets numerous; ligules yellow, c. 2–3–(5) cm long. Disc yellow. Achenes glabrous, 4–5-angled with faces finely ribbed, 3.5–5 mm long; pappus minutely barbellate, fused at base.

[From: Webb et al. (1988) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4.]


Flowering: Nov.–Jan.