Scientific Name:
Salsola kali L.
Vernacular Name(s):
marsh samphire; Prickly saltwort; Saltwort; Sea grape

Glabrous or hairy annual herb to c. 50 cm tall; stems decumbent or prostrate, shining, succulent, minutely puberulent or glabrous, pale-ridged; taproot stout. Lvs 0.3–2–(4) cm long, linear-subulate to subterete or narrow-triangular, succulent, shining, glabrous, or puberulent below, especially on the pale midrib; margin often ciliolate; apex spine-tipped. Bracteoles < lvs, triangular-ovate, often ciliolate, spine-tipped. Perianth (1.5)–2–3 mm long; segments unequal, ± ovate, acuminate, becoming firm, accrescent; wing variously ribbed, becoming fan-like and up to 2–(3) mm wide, with spiny middle nerve prolonged beyond membrane. Stigmas slender, exserted. Fr. surrounded by spiny bracteoles, with persistent style base. Seed 1–2.5 mm diam., dark.

[From: Webb et al. (1988) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4.]


Flowering: Jan.–Feb.