Scientific Name:
Senecio radiolatus F.Muell., Veg. Chatham Isl. 24 (1864)
  • Senecio lautus var. radiolatus (F.Muell.) Kirk, Stud. Fl. New Zealand 341 (1899)

Erect or straggling, short-lived, perennial herb. Lvs lanate when young, becoming glabrous on upper surface but usually remaining lanate on lower, cuneately narrowed to stem and often amplexicaul, ovate to suborbicular, pinnately lobed to pinnatisect with narrow to broad entire or few-toothed segments, (3)–5–18–(25) × 2–7–(12) cm. Uppermost lvs smaller, usually less divided, often narrow-obovate and less narrowed at base. Supplementary bracts 3–16, 1.5–4 mm long. Involucral bracts (13)–17–21, glabrous to sparsely hairy, 4–9 mm long. Ray florets 10–14–(20) () or 0 (); ligules yellow, 1.5–4–(6) mm long. Disc yellow, 5–15 mm diam. Achenes ± evenly hairy or rarely hairs confined to grooves between ribs (), or almost glabrous or minutely papillate (), slightly narrowed to apex, 2.2–3.5 mm long.

[From: Webb et al. (1988) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4.]

Indigenous (Endemic)
Number of subspecific taxa in New Zealand within Senecio radiolatus F.Muell.
Indigenous (Endemic)2

Flowering: Aug.–Feb.