Scientific Name:
Papaver somniferum L., Sp. Pl. 508 (1753)
Vernacular Name(s):
opium poppy

Annual herb; rosette tufted; stems erect, glabrous, 30–60–(150) cm tall. Lvs glaucous, (2)–4–8–(15) × (0.5)–5–12–(15) cm, the lower cuneate at base and shortly petiolate, the upper sessile and amplexicaul. Lamina ovate-oblong, shallowly pinnatifid and irregularly and coarsely lobed or toothed, glabrous or with a few stiff hairs on midrib and margins. Pedicels to 30 cm long, glabrous or with sparse bristly or soft hairs. Sepals glabrous or hairy, (5)–15–30–(40) × (4)–10–20–(30) mm. Petals usually pink or mauve, rarely white or red, 2–7 × 2–7 cm, usually with large dark blotch near base. Capsule broadly ovoid or obovoid to globose, widest at or above 1/2 way, shortly stipitate, not ribbed, glabrous, (10)–15–40 × (5)–10–40 mm. Stigmatic disc slightly wider than capsule, flat or concave; rays (5)–7–11–(15).

[From: Webb et al. (1988) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4.]

Number of subspecific taxa in New Zealand within Papaver somniferum L.
Exotic: Fully Naturalised2