Scientific Name:
Symphytum officinale L.
Vernacular Name(s):
Boneset; Comfrey; Consolida; Knitbone

Plants to c. 100 cm tall, with most vegetative parts strongly hispid. Roots becoming very thick. Basal lvs with lamina very large, ovate to ovatelanceolate, densely hispid above and below, but not harshly scabrid, often some hairs with bulbous bases but never predominantly so; cauline lvs smaller, mostly 3–4 mm wide, decurrent down stem to internode below, with petiole broadly winged, the upper sessile. Cymes densely hispid. Calyx 5–8 mm long, lobed to c. 3/4 length; lobes linear-lanceolate, ± shortly acuminate. Corolla 12–16 mm long, usually pale pink in upper 1/2, occasionally creamy white, purplish when dry; scales narrow-triangular. Filaments ± as wide as anthers; anthers usually projecting well beyond scales. Nutlets smooth.

[From: Webb et al. (1988) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4.]


Flowering: Nov.–Feb.