Scientific Name:
Sarracenia leucophylla Raf., Fl. Ludov. 14 (1817)
Vernacular Name(s):
spotted pitcher
Heenan, P.B.; de Lange, P.J.; Cameron, E.K.; Parris, B.S. 2008: Checklist of dicotyledons, gymnosperms, and pteridophytes naturalised or casual in New Zealand: additional records 2004–06. New Zealand Journal of Botany 46: 257–283.
New Zealand Carnivorous Plant Society Inc. 1988: The New Zealand Carnivorous Plant Society Plant List.
Rafinesque, C. S. 1817: Florula Ludoviciana, or, a Flora of the State of Louisiana. Translated, Revised, and Improved, from the French of C. C. Robin. New York.